Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Forensic Linguistics

Forensic Linguistic is one of the branches in Corpus’ study. In a crime scene investigation, there exists a job entitled Forensic Linguist. This job scope of a forensic linguist is to place someone’s origin based on his/her name and speech intonation, to find a language’s data and to investigate whether a statement is actually made by a certain person. This is because language has a regular structure. Most speaker is consistent in his or her speech.


Learning Forensic Linguistics' job scope has been an eye opener to the students. Forensic Linguistics is an important field in solving a crime scene. it helps a lot in solving the problem that is related to text and language that occurs in a crime. The forensic linguistic field has contributed a lot of help in leading an investigation to an end. Even there are many cases which did not come to an end, the investigation done in terms of the linguistic investigation has given clues for future investigation if ever someone is willing to take over the case. Therefore, from this lesson, Forensic Linguistics has been an eye opener for the student to further their future in the same field or things related to it. May this study gives benefit to the others so that they have something to contribute when in future, they decide to join this filed of study. In Islam, any job that brings benefit to the human nation is permissible as long as it does not contradict to the Islamic Laws. 

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